Saturday, November 06, 2010

The grandma with really bad rabies

There once was this grandma with really bad rabies.she would eat a chipmunck every day. that is how she got her really bad is what she did to rule the bathroom.once there was a grandma with rabies .she would get a package of seven chipmuncks to last her the whole here is how the story begins. once the lady go's to the store she kills a couple of people for lunch. then she will go eat a chipmunck.once when she was waching tv an old lady came in and the rabbid old lady ate her with a big  "gulp" and that is how her life runs. you think she is rabbid because she is rabbid?

P.S. if you see an old lady run then shoot her with an AK-47 on her head


  1. oh jeez..... rabies are a very weird subject to write a story about...... this is mackenzie by the way

  2. well anything that gets into our minds we right about ........well not everything but anything that involves a story lol.....ethan by the way

  3. Ha. That new Barney one is sooo funny. I was laughing so hard me head fell off...... Not really but good stuff

  4. You guys are so weird this is Krissy [you know who i am] Take a look at me and Nicholes blog.
